Getting A Full Body Massage | 3 Asian Techniques To Help You Restore Energy
Getting a full-body massage can help you restore your energy. In this post, I give information on three Asian massage techniques that I recommend you try when you are feeling stressed.
I consider myself a minimalist in many ways, with an exception when it comes to self-care. Yes, I do love to splash out on relaxing products and services as I know they are beneficial to my wellbeing.
And you should do the same. Your health and inner beauty are your wealth.
As an example, I always make sure to book myself in for a massage after a flight, especially if it is a long-haul one. Besides getting my energies back, I also learn how different cultures master the massage technique. When I get back home, I normally look for an expert who can give the same type of massage.
Below are details of three different techniques from three well-known Asian countries that are popular worldwide.
All 3 methods are beneficial for the whole body system;
- good for circulation
- release knots that build up when you are stressed
It is hard to tell whichever is best as it depends on your fancy, but I like them all.
Check them out and let me know which one you like best.
3 Asian Body Massages – What´s The Difference?
The three methods embrace a holistic approach in that they treat the body, the mind, and spiritual wellbeing as a whole.
Each massage tends to be customized to every single guest.
Abhyanga Full Body Massage – An Indian Technique

Abhyanga is an Indian massage technique, and you can read more about it here.
The most important feature of Abhyanga massage is the oil application. In Ayurveda, massage is considered an essential daily routine to improve your health.
When getting a full body massage for body maintenance, it is common to use pure oils on their own. Either sesame oil, coconut oil, or olive oil is recommended. However, in Ayurvedic clinics and during treatments, herbal medicated oil is generally used.
Abhyanga in Ayurveda is one of the 5 procedures included in the panchakarma detox therapy treatment.
A proper Ayurvedic detox program always begins with an Abhyanga massage. It is believed that toxic accumulation in the body is the main cause of many health problems, and Abhyanga massage acts as a lubricator to open your body channels and facilitates the elimination of bad toxins.
The Abhyanga massage is usually customized for every individual. This means that the pressure applied and the type of oil and the temperature of oil used depends on your dosha type and health condition.
Assisted Abhyanga usually starts from the head, continuing with the face, neck, shoulders, and back and then the rest of the body. You are usually naked during the massage except for your underpants. In most places, they give you the tanga-style disposable panties.
What are the benefits of the Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage?
Abhyanga massage is ideal for body maintenance and also for healing purposes.
Among the many benefits, of the Abhyanga massage;
- Improves skin quality, keeping it young-looking and well hydrated.
- Slows down the ageing process, and prevents early wrinkles.
- Induces good sleep.
- Strengthens the joints.
- Manages stress.
- Stimulates the nerves.
- Improves circulation.
The end result of an Abhyanga massage is a peaceful and soothing feeling for both your physical and mental being. You will feel balanced and connected.
Tuina full body Massage – A Chinese Technique
Tuina is more than 2000 years old, and the massage is based on the principles of ancient Chinese medicine. In this technique, pressure points on your body are massaged and stimulated to relieve you from pain and stress.
Tuina massage follows the guidelines of acupuncture without the use of needles.
Various massage techniques are applied to harmonize the flow of energy within your body, through the meridians of body canals, and help the internal organs to maintain stability.
Usually, the massage starts with light pressure strokes to loosen up your muscles. As the massage advances, the pressure will be more focused, and more strength is applied where you need it most.
One movement will progress into another continuously throughout the massage. Tuina can be received wearing clothes or undressed except for your underpants.
The movements are usually fast and some Tuina massage techniques used are;
Rowing to start the massage. It relaxes the body and increases circulation.
Finger and thumb manipulation. Pressing on the acupoints and the vibration tends to go deep down.
Circular kneading with the thumb along the meridians (channels). Also, kneading with the knuckles along both sides of the spine.
Squeezing is a method used mainly on tight areas and the muscles on the neck, shoulders, and upper back areas.
Rocking with the palm helps boost circulation in the area and also stretches and softens the body tissues.
Tuina massage is not exactly the most relaxing as it may hurt a bit during the massage session. Due to the fast movement of the massage strokes, your whole body is moving and there is no way you can relax.
Of course, you can tell the therapist to use less pressure but Tuina is more of a healing massage and ideal for when you have pain, muscle knots, or for people who practice sports and have tight muscles.
Tuina massage is recommended when you have a locked shoulder or stiff neck, or even dorsal pain from long hours sitting at a computer and you are forward bending most of the time.
The end result after a Tuina massage. If you were in pain before the massage, most probably you are going to feel more pain right after the massage.
But do not let this put you off. When the pain eases off in a day or two, this is when you get that sensation of balancing and relaxation within.
Thai Body Massage – Naturally From Thailand
Traditional Thai massage was initially created as a combination of Indian and Chinese massage, and it was introduced in Thailand by Buddhist monks years ago.
It is a mix of assisted yoga postures and pressure techniques.
By focusing and working on the energy lines or meridians of the body, Thai massage is meant to help you relax and release muscle tension, besides stimulating circulation and restoring your energies.
Thai massage is received on a futon or on a thick blanket, directly on the floor. You are usually provided loose-fitting pants and a shirt to put on before the massage. Traditional Thai massage is received with your clothes on.
Starting with the feet and moving upwards – I love this bit and I find it so relaxing. You are lying down and the therapist is kneeling beside your feet. The therapist twists your feet in the opposite direction towards the floor and applies his/her body pressure on them.
You can actually try this on your bed or when lying down. Just stretch out your legs and then curve both your feet outwards and press your toes towards you. It stretches the calf muscle and feels really good. Try it out!!
Hands, elbows, forearms, and also feet are used to give the traditional Thai massage. Due to men being normally stronger, male therapists tend to give massage to male clients and female therapists to female clients. However, a professional therapist would know how to apply the correct pressure, and you would not mind if it is a male therapist giving a massage to a female.
There are a lot of intertwined postures during the session and the therapist also uses the feet to push and press against you, whilst pulling with the hands in the opposite direction.
Thai massage is more intimate as, unlike other massages where you have the therapist using just the hands and arms, in Traditional Thai massage there´s a lot of body-to-body contacts. Literally, you have the therapist moving on top and around your body doing stretches (assisted yoga postures) and applying pressure (on the acupressure points) at the same time.
It is, however, discreet and it should not bother you because you are wearing clothes.
Thai massage is lovely and usually very effective. The end result; can have two opposite results on you. It either boosts your energy levels or quietens you down.
Which Massage Technique Do YOU Like Best?
Some western therapists tend to combine techniques, especially if they studied various types of massages, and that is the reason why many times you cannot tell the difference between one and another.
One example is the stretching, lifting, and circulation of the leg from a Thai massage during a Tuina massage. At the same time, Asian therapists prefer to stick to their own traditional and professional techniques.
Here is one recommended stretching technique that I would like to share with you today. It helps to stretch the dorsal and lumbar muscle area.
You can do it by yourself, and it is really beneficial.
- Lie down on your back, and relax
- Breathe in and out a couple of times
- Stretch your legs
- Bend your left knee and twist it over the right leg. Reach your left foot to the ground
- Twist your head to the right
- Hold your left foot with your right hand, and stretch the left arm to your left side
- Slowly, move your right hand from your foot to your left knee, and pull it down as far as you can
You should feel the pulling on your lower back and dorsal area. Then switch legs and do the same on the other side. Try it, it feels divine if you are in pain.
Don´t you feel like getting a full body massage right now?
My suggestion is that you shouldn’t wait until you need a massage. Take care of yourself and benefit from the massages to maintain your good health and longevity.
I hope you have enjoyed this information and please do share it with friends and family. Massage is beneficial to our well-being, body, and mind.
20 thoughts on “Getting A Full Body Massage | 3 Asian Techniques To Help You Restore Energy”
Ooohhh I love the concept of a full body massage! I am so happy you reviewed different techniques. It leaves a lot to consider how each one would be best. Having a permanently damaged area from a botched surgery makes it a worry to have the Thai massage, although it would normally seem to be the best. I guess I’d go for the abhyanga; I prefer gentleness. 🙂
Thank you so much for the different reviews; I know now some things to avoid and things to go for!
Hi Cathy, thanks for writing. I’m glad you liked the information. Abhyanga is great but if you ever feel like trying a traditional Thai massage, they usually ask you about your health history and condition before the massage. Cheers. Marisa
I have tried shiatsu massage, Thai massage, and sports massage. I feel like they all have their good sides. It would be very interesting to also try Abhyanga and Tuina massages.
However, in my opinion, even more important than the type of massage, is the therapist’s skills and dedication. When I lived in Thailand I had many different levels of massages ranging from horrible to excellent. I learned that it is better to go for a place that someone recommends, often located in a hard to find back alley and to avoid the places which are most visible and are often just tourist traps.
Hi Joonas, very true, a good therapist makes all the difference. I find Shiatsu a bit too strong but if you like massage I think all tecniques are good and beneficial. Cheers!
Hi Marisa,
Thank you for writing this informative post on full body massage it will be a big help to people.e who want this experience.
A full body massage sounds just fantastic, I have never had the experience but from reading your post I am tempted to try one, the question is do I go for the Indian, Chineses or Thai full body massage? I think I prefer the Thai massage because it is a mixture of the Indian and Chinese so I would have the best of both worlds.
Well done,
Hi Fintan, that is good reasoning and a good choice. Hope you like it and let me know how it goes. Thank you for writing.
wow the one thing that one would need aftrer a long day of work is a full body massage for sure if yo are to find a professional in this you will feel the energy that you have never felt before how ever thank you for sharing the different types of massage. The one that am familiar with is the Thai massage it is very good i tell you
Hi, we all dream of a good massage especially when tired and feeling every muscle aching. Thai massage is pleasant and very effective. Thank you for writing.
Wow, I really wish I could get to experience one these three massages now. It’s nice to know about these full body massage techniques but the one I prefer is the Tuina full body Massage. Massage is very healthy and it has proven it’s credibility in various ways, I go to the spa with my wife once in a while and I get massage but I’ll like to try out these new Asian techniques and I think this can only be done by a trained therapist in this area. Thanks
Hi, yes it is very important to go to a good therapist: it will make all the difference, especially if it is your first experience with the massage. I love the spa as well.Thank you for writing.
having a full body massage is actually a good concept that i feel would be very awesome to take part in afterall, we can never be sure of the health of our body until we have put everything under test. I like the concept of taking full body massage especially the Thai’s technique. Though the others are cool too but I feel I would love that of Thailand.
Hi, massage is very beneficial for our health. It helps with circulation; eases muscle tension and can avoid blockages in our system that leads to diseases. I hope you can manage to try the Thai massage. Enjoy it.
Hello Marisa. Yes, I feel like getting a full body massage now. I’m particularly interested in Thai body massage. Relaxing and releasing muscle tension is just what I need. I didn’t know that Thai massage was originated by combining Indian and Chinese massage. An interesting fact!
Thank you for this cool post! Just reading it kinda gave me a little boost of energy!
Hi Ann, that is so nice to hear. A boost feels always good. We really have to take care of ourselves on a regular basis. I work very hard but I always make sure to give myself a treat, whether a massage, a pedicure, a facial… Take care and thank you for writing.
it’s interesting that I did not hear about these massages except Thailand massage. I so need this because my body is full of stress because of a daily job and I can’t give myself time to go to some type of this relaxation. I would like to try all 3, they all seem so powerful and stress relieving.
HI, if you go for a massage you will have energy to be able to do more things in one day. Hope you manage to find the time to give it a try. Take care and thank you for writing.
The Asians are known for their essentially great powers for healing and abilities so, I’m thrilled to see all of these here on the best massage techniques to have a full body massage. Though I do not know about the Thailand, I know of the Chinese and the Indians and how potent their massages are. I like the Abhyanga of the indians the most and if i were to get an opportunity, I would go for that.
Hi Ramos, that is a great choice. You should go for the synchronised massage then, its heaven. They use medicated oil (oil mixed with herbs) which they select according to your body type and believe me it´s a perfect treat for the muscles, bones and all our organs. Thank you for writing.
We often go for a massage, but actually we couldn’t know which method is applied. After reading this article I now have a choice. I wouldn’t bee just going for a massage, but I will be going for something I am knowledgeable about.
I liked the Thai method as it combines both Chinese and Indian styles. for the products, for the products, do you offer free shipping?
Hi, thank you for sharing your experience. I have studied about massage and I am also curious, so I always ask about the type of massage when I go for one, even though some therapists combine and apply different techniques they have studied. Next time you go maybe you should ask.
Thai massage is great. There is the traditional and the varied type also.
The products that are linked, when you are in the buying process it will tell you about shipping and if any costs depending on where you are. Hope this helps. Take care