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Tag: anti-aging

What Is A Natural Way To Reduce Wrinkles Holistically

What Is A Natural Way To Reduce Wrinkles Holistically

As I’ve navigated my way into my 40s, I’ve come to appreciate the natural shifts in my skin. Wrinkles, those inevitable signs of experience and expression, have begun to etch their stories across my face. Many of us strive to preserve a youthful glow, yet it’s crucial to approach the aging process with grace and resilience. It’s about finding the balance: nurturing our skin while accepting the beauty of aging. What Is A Natural Way To Reduce Wrinkles? Why do…

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What Is The Supplement Ashwagandha? Does it Help You Boost Energy

What Is The Supplement Ashwagandha? Does it Help You Boost Energy

What is The Supplement Ashwagandha? Ashwagandha is one of the most used herbs in ancient Ayurveda, the Indian traditional medicine. The super herb is known for its balancing, nourishing, and restorative effect on the body and mind. The botanical name of Ashwagandha is Withania Somnifera, and it is equally beneficial for women’s and men’s health.  Compounds used in Ayurvedic medicine are extracted from the roots, leaves, as well as flowers of the Ashwagandha plant. Ashwagandha is commonly used in Rasayana…

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Best Anti Ageing Tips – The Basics

Best Anti Ageing Tips – The Basics

Many times we find ourselves searching for that miracle product that will make us look younger without first taking into account the basics. There exist simple necessities that we should focus on at an early stage and try to make part of our routine. So here are FIVE best anti ageing tips that we tend to take for granted and forget to put into practice again and again. The best thing is they are AT ZERO COST. So let´s have…

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Ayurveda Rejuvenation Treatment – 5 Anti Aging Techniques

Ayurveda Rejuvenation Treatment – 5 Anti Aging Techniques

Aging is inevitable as it is part of our natural human cycle. But can we slow down the aging process? Read on and discover all about the Ayurveda Rejuvenation Treatment – 5 Anti aging techniques. What Makes Us Age Fast? Stress. Hectic lifestyle, anxiety, insomnia. Diet. Lack of proper diet and intake of appropriate vitamins and minerals. The Environment. Pollution, UV rays. Lack of Exercise. Long hours sitting at a desk. Aging manifest itself mainly on the skin, our biggest…

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Ayurveda and Rejuvenation – The Experience of Mind and Body Balancing

Ayurveda and Rejuvenation – The Experience of Mind and Body Balancing

Ayurveda, meaning the science of life, is the traditional medicine and the age-old natural curing system of India. It treats the body, mind, and spirit through proper diet, medication, and care. Continue reading to know more about Ayurveda and Rejuvenation – the experience. What is Ayurveda? The Basic Principles Ayurveda is made up of two Sanskrit words, Ayu, which means life, and Veda, which is Knowledge. So it is all about the knowledge of life, based on the observation of…

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