What Are The Uses of Aloe Vera – Properties, Benefits & Aloe Products
The Aloe Vera is a well-known plant with many remedial properties. Read on to discover what are the uses of Aloe Vera.
The Aloe plant was very new to me, and I discovered its use at a Chinese salon when I went for a facial massage. The therapist massaged my face directly with the leaf that was full of aloe gel. The feeling was both refreshing and hydrating.
After that experience, I did some research to find out more about the uses and benefits of Aloe Vera.
Today I will share information about the plant and will explain how to extract the gel and apply it onto your skin, face and hair, and it is also possible to consume the gel.
The Aloe Plant & Its Properties
The traditional medicinal aloe vera plant is called Aloe Barbadensis Miller. Its origin is from Africa where it grows naturally, although it is nowadays cultivated in many warm and dry countries as Aloe Vera does not like the cold weather.
The plant in the picture below belongs to my parents´.

I recall taking a small leaf from a plant that I had at home which had nearly died and gave it to my dad. It took 3 months for the plant to sprout, but my dad managed to rescue it and it has now grown into an overflowing wild plant replete with aloe gel.
THE Aloe plant is rich in vitamins and minerals, enzymes, sugars and fatty acids. Based primarily on traditional uses, there are many favourable results and the plant has proved to be effective.
In fact aloe is nowadays widely used in dermatological care products.
What Are The Benefits of Aloe Vera
- The Aloe Vera gel can treat a variety of skin conditions including scars, burns, skin bites, rashes and acne.
- It can be used both as sunblock and after-sun moisturiser as it has a cooling effect and soothes the skin.
- It has numerous health properties; antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, detoxifies, good for gums and mouth health.
- Aloe Vera hydrates the skin and keeps it young-looking.
How To Use Aloe Vera Leaf – Extracting Its Gel
Cut the leaves off the plant when it is properly grown; do not slash the baby leaves.
It is advised to drain the leaf first by letting it sit for a while and let it drip on its own. This is to bring out any of the yellow gel it might have, that is considered toxic. In case, you eat any of it by mistake there is a chance you end up rushing to the bathroom as it is a laxative.
Then you cut along the sides and;
a) either split it in half and then again into block pieces to be able to apply it onto your skin with the peel on OR

b) also slice off the peel on top and bottom and you will end up with the thick pulp in one long slab.
You will be amazed at the amount of sticky gel that comes out of one single chunky leaf.
Do a Test First
Before applying the aloe gel onto the skin make sure you test a small area first (say on your hand) to check if you are allergic, since direct use may cause irritations.
Can You Consume The Aloe Gel?
The gel is safe to eat as long as you clean the Aloe leaf well.
If you plan to eat the gel then it is good to soak the pulp in water to eliminate any residual yellow toxic gel. And remove all the green peel of the gel.
How to Apply
Method a) above is very easy as it is ready to use. You just apply it to your face and skin, rubbing until you dry all the gel from the leaf. It does feel sticky on your skin but it dries up quickly. It has that strong smell of green and nature, and I do like it.
For method b) you can cut the aloe slab into pieces and blend it to make juice or you can cut it and put it in the fridge for later use. Store it in an airtight bowl or container and it may last for up to 7 days or so.
Aloe pulp Aloe juice
How To Feel and Look Younger – Hydrate Using Aloe Gel
Aloe gel is perfect as you can hydrate from within by drinking the juice and also moisture on the outside by applying it to your hair, skin and face.
Detox. Make a smoothie and drink it. I also buy aloe vera drinks from Latin shops usually and it has small pieces of aloe gel in them. I do not take soft drinks and I find water too bland at times, so especially when I walk-exercise I carry a bottle of Aloe King drink.
Here is the aloe drink. I recommend the original one. The new flavoured ones taste awful though it all depends on your taste.
Mix it with yoghurt. I was once walking on the main road here in the city and was stopped and asked if I wanted to participate in a survey at a nearby hotel. They made me try various flavoured yoghurts mixed with aloe vera juice. The taste was a bit peculiar, a flowery taste, but the idea is good. I am not sure if the product is out on the market as I´ve never spotted them anywhere. But hey they did give me the idea to mix the aloe gel with yoghurt at home.
Get soft and healthy-looking hydrated hair. Mix aloe gel with coconut oil in a blender and apply it to your hair. Cover with a shower cap.
Apply it as a face mask and enjoy the skin elasticity.
Use the gel to hydrate your hands.
Relax and wait for the first complement on your youthful look

Aloe Vera Skin Products
Body Gel
A pump bottle for easy use
Aloe Vera Face Product
Peel off mask
I hope you find the information useful and you can benefit from it.
12 thoughts on “What Are The Uses of Aloe Vera – Properties, Benefits & Aloe Products”
This is a very educating and enlightening post. I have heard about it severally from my cousin about how helpful aloe vera plants are. I was told it helps to moisturize the skin and makes it look fresh and Young always. I didn’t take it serious until I was told to make use of it for acne. Thanks for taking your time to carefully explain the uses and benefits of this Aloe vera plants. I now know how to prepare and apply it. Kudos to you.
Hi Willy, thank you for sharing your views. Yes, aloe is one of the best plants to treat acne, as it´s cooling, gentle and calming on the skin. Take care
I used to have an aloe plant, but when we moved I gave it away. Your information has encouraged me to get another one. I like things that are natural and good for health, and I like to grow plants.
My son has some acne on his back, too, that he’s been trying to treat. Using aloe might be a good and natural way to relieve his skin. He also likes to grow plants, so I’ll suggest that we get some. He’s living with us right now and we have a large sunny window in the dining room where they would probably do well.
Thanks for the great info! 😉
Hi Stella, aloe plants are cheap so if you like plants and can take care of it then you should have one at home. The aloe should be exposed to light but not taken out in the scorching sun. Hope it helps soothe your son´s acne. Make sure to test a small area on his hand first to see if he´s allergic. Wish him well!
Hi, Gillian, enjoyed your post on treating acne. My twin grandsons had problems with can and it can be very unsettling for a teenager, or anyone for that matter. Fortunately there are some helpful products available now. I was not aware of the natural products that helped with this condition. I do know that diet plays a role in helping to control breakouts. Good and informative article, thanks for sharing, Deanna
Hi Deanna, most welcome. aloe works wonders for skin rashes, acne and irritations. It´s very soothing. I have used it for sunburns and luckily had immediate results the following day. Cheers!
Very good, A few years ago I knew Aloe vera, but I don’t know much about it. I have some potted plants in my home and some Aloe vera. I saw your article today, and I have a strong interest in Aloe Vera Face Product. I rarely use Face Products, but I decided to try some Aloe Vera Face Products on the weekend.
Hi, thank you for writing. If you have the aloe plant you should try extract and use it´s gel. It´s divine for the skin and the face. Otherwise you can always get one of the peel off masks, they´re not messy. Enjoy the pampering.
It seems this plant is full of beneficial vitamins and minerals;that is interesting! I always was wonder what are the uses of Aloe Vera and how we could get benefits from it. It is amazing to know that there are tons of benefits for well being, especially for skin care.
You have mentioned that, it is good to mix it with coconuts oil and apply it on hair. I want to know how often we have to apply it and if we apply it on hair, does rubbing this onto the head would makes the hair more shiny and soften?
I liked the idea when you do walk-exercise you carry a bottle of Aloe King drink. Thanks
Hi Shirian, basically you mix a scoop of oil with another of aloe gel, pour it onto your hair, then rub gently using your fingers all the way into your scalp, massage your scalp, then slide your fingers out through your hair and leave in. Wear a shower cap. You can do it twice or three times a week. It´s all natural and will do no harm, unless you are allergic to any of the products of course. After an hour you can wash your hair. Sometimes I even leave it in overnight. The mix hydrates the hair pretty good. Enjoy the results. Cheers and thanks for writing.
Hi, Marisa.
I don’t know Aloe Vera from Africa, but I know it’s really good for skins. In Indonesia, we usually drink it as an ice juice. It’s very tasty. I see you did very good with it, thanks for sharing it.
All the best,
Sylvia Yuchinta.
Hi Sylvia, thank you for your input. I will try make my own aloe juice one day. Cheers!