Best Uses for Essential Oils
Wondering how to make the best uses for essential oils you picked up from the store the other day!
Read this article to find out.
Essential oils are saturated, volatile plant extracts collected from leaves, barks, herbs or rinds. They have been around for several thousand years intending to uplift somebody’s mood or health. Various methods are used to extract these depending on the part of the plant it is collected from.
These extracts are then added into various oils, moisturizers, perfumes, soaps or bath gels. You can use these to rub them on your skin or use them for your bath.
Since essential oils are highly concentrated, they are far more potent than fresh or dried herbs. Essential oils must always be diluted before use. You can consult with your doctor to get a better idea for the ratios best suited for your skin.
The versatility of essential oils is what makes it such a demanded product. Here is a list.
Uses for Essential Oils
1. Inhalation
Everyone is familiar with this aromatic use of essential oil. You may have walked into a parlour, spa or yoga centre and breathed in the soothing scent of lavender or eucalyptus. Inhalation is a type of aromatherapy, or essential oil therapy, at which oils evaporate into the air through diffuser containers or sprays. You can now do this at home with the help of an essential oil diffuser. Read the instructions that come with the device and add the appropriate amount of water and oils.
Diffuser Oil Burner
You can also obtain the same benefit by adding a couple of drops in a cotton ball and placing it in areas of your home.
Inhalation provides much more than pleasant smell. This process can also aid with respiratory infections or psychological troubles. Inhaling the smell of this oil activates your olfactory system which in turn relays to the limbs system evoking emotions, stabilizing blood pressures and erratic breathing, and preventing stress.
Tips: If you need to instantly relax, just waft the bottle!
2. Topical Application
Topical application is the second type of aromatherapy and perhaps the most commonly used one as this comes in the form of massage oils, skin care products and toiletries. Using essential oils to massage your body can boost circulation in that area.

Studies claim that your palms or the bottom of your feet may absorb the oils more effectively because of the presence of sweat glands.
Essential oils should always be diluted with different carrier oil such as almond or olive oils. This is because in some rare cases, people may have a sensitive response to these saturated oils and this may leave an adverse effect on the skin. It is best to test these extracts on a small patch of your skin before applying it all over your body. Otherwise, you might face skin irritation or allergy.
Tips: Topical application comes in many forms. So you can add a few drops of oil to a warm bath for both topical application and inhalation.
3. Reduce Inflammation
Your body has inflammation when its immune system activates. Inflammation may take place because of stress, illnesses or trauma. It can also be a direct result of unhealthy food and lifestyle choices. You can easily avoid this by getting more sleep and adopting a proper diet and lifestyle routine.
But sometimes you might need some additional support to alleviate this problem. And this comes in the form of essential oils.
Through diffusion, essential oil particles disperse into the air and you will be inclined to relax once you inhale them. This reduces stress. You can also apply diluted essential oil to the affected area to reduce the swelling or pain. While using an essential oil, you should be wary of the sun as it may cause blisters. You must keep in mind that essential oils will not necessarily remove all your inflammation but it will decrease the strength of it.
Tips: Use lavender and de stress essential oils if you want to unwind and use tea tree oils if you want to boost your immunity.
4. Treat Skin Conditions
Essential oils can treat many common skin conditions starting from acne to age spots, from redness to insect bites. Users are turning to organic and natural ingredients for skin care and essential oils are one of the front runners in the market.
Acne is a fairly common skin condition that occurs because the follicles of your skin clog up. If you have acne, tea tree essential oils can be a blessing in disguise because they are antimicrobial and anti fungal. It also prevents any future breakouts. If you have dry and rough skin, you should opt for rose essential oil. Bug bites are itchy and irritable and can cause your skin to swell. Take lavender oil for its antiseptic qualities to help reduce these irritations.
Did you have a fun day at the beach but came back with severe sunburns? Add some chamomiles oil to relieve the sore skin.
Tips: Soak a towel with warm water dosed with a couple of drops of essential oil and then press it on your desired part of the body.
5. Cleaning
Conventional household cleaning products are made of chemicals and toxins that can be detrimental to your health and home. These agents can lead to coughing, headaches or even some long term illnesses such as breathing difficulties. Essential oils are a natural and non-toxic replacement for those borderline poisonous cleaning agents. They also add a touch of positive energy to your home.

Make sure you purchase authentic essential oils that do not contain any synthetic perfumes. Always check the list of ingredients before you make a purchase.
If you are looking for oil that exhibits antiseptic properties that guards your house against mould, then the cinnamon leaf is the oil you need to purchase. If you want oil that has antibacterial properties that eludes a cool, refreshing scent then eucalyptus oil is the one you need to opt for. Lavender oils prevent fungal growth on surfaces and fabrics while citrus oils eliminate odours.
Tips: Always shake the mixture well before using it because the saturated oils may harm your skin!
In Conclusion
Essential oils have a vast number of uses but can be harmful if you use it incorrectly. Always check whether the container of essential oil you bought is diluted or not before use.
So next time you want to relax and unwind when you get home, grab your favourite essential oil and enjoy its calming scent.
And when you´re at it, keep a journal to record your experiences with every scent.
Tell us about your favourite essential oil and why?
6 thoughts on “Best Uses for Essential Oils”
I do like oils. I had a scar once after the removal of a large mole. I used Rosehip oil, I put it on every day for a month and the scar faded and after 2 months it disappeared. I never thought about using oils for cleaning but I will look in to this in more detail. I have a 10 year scar from surgery and it has some thick scar tissue, can you suggest an oil that may break down the scar tissue?
Hi Louise, thank you for sharing your insight. Rosehip oil is rich in vitamin C and is well known for general skin care and to reduce scars. You can use Rosehip for your 10 year old scar and tea tree oil is also good. I would also recommend applying aloe vera pulp, and if you can get it fresh, directly from the plant it´s better.
Hey Marisa! As you mentioned, the essential oils are used for various purposes and the basic purpose for all of them is to improve mood or health, and that is why I like essential oils to be a part of my home.
Although I like them and I enjoy almost any type of essential oil aroma, for some reason I like the inhalation method and specifically the mint aroma, as it gives a refreshing and reviving feeling. A perfect for some relaxing time after a stressful day at work.
Do you have any recommendation that is close to mint/eucalyptus?
Hi Heku, I´m glad you like essential oils. I´d recommend Lavender or Rosemary to refresh, relax and unwind. Thank you for writing. Marisa
I have some essential oils in my home that I purchased from different companies and this is because I am very much aware of the goodies that is available to one when a person makes use if this. Like you have explained here, I use it for the topical use and you have also said it is the most popular. I don´t know if I could also use it to clean as well. That’s something I think I should try.
Hi Jay and thank you for writing. Yes, you can use a couple drops of pure essential oil for cleaning. I´d recommend citrus and lavender for a fresh ambience.