7 Anti Aging Acupressure Points On Face
Taking care of your face and skin is of prime importance to maintain a glowing, healthier and younger look – One way to bring back the moisture to your skin and reduce wrinkles is by stimulating the anti aging acupressure points on your face.
In today´s post, I will introduce you to Acupressure massage therapy, and I will also include a list of the benefits of acupressure points massage.
Dabbing expensive creams on your face does not actually make your skin look younger. That is why it is essential to learn how to apply them properly and help your skin absorb the oils and creams by massaging them well
Further below, you will find a quick 5-minute acupressure practice you can apply daily to help you delay skin aging.
Why Do We Get Wrinkles And How To Delay Aging?
First of all let´s see how we get those wrinkles and other skin changes.
With aging you produce a less natural protein called collagen, next the skin gets thinner and dryer and the skin flexibility decreases.
The muscles and tissues also tend to weaken. As a result, we start getting aging signs on the skin such as;
- wrinkles
- creases
- dryness
- coarseness
- sagging
- puffiness
Wrinkles also form with repetitive facial expressions, when frowning, laughing, thinking, observing, concentrating etc.
crow’s feet forehead lines
When you are constantly stressed you will get more wrinkles and by time a cranky look.
Face massage helps release those tight muscles and regain that relaxed and youthful look.
Locating the pressure points on the face make the massage more effective and you can concentrate more on these potent points using acupressure.
What Is Acupressure Therapy?
Acupressure is a traditional Chinese technique whereby you put light pressure on energy points on all your body. The method is safe and effective and it regulates and opens the channel lines through which the energy flows.

Acupressure works in the same way as acupuncture but without the use of needles.
Acupressure points on the face stimulate the body organs just like foot reflexology and hand reflexology points. This is also great for face rejuvenation as you are moving the qi positive energy.
You can stimulate the pressure points using your fingers or a face massage tool.
To locate the pressure points you can get a chart and hang it somewhere where you can see it. This will also remind you to do the acupressure massage daily. Here is the full-body acupressure point chart.
Facial Acupressure Points For Face Lift and Skin Tightening
Here are the 7 potent points you should focus on, plus 2 bonus points;
The following acupressure points are to be massaged to enhance blood circulation and to achieve glowing skin. The 7 points are located:
- Frown lines
- Forehead lines
- Crow´s feet
- Puffy eyes
- Smile lines
- Chin wrinkles
- Neck wrinkles
Plus 2 extra points
- Around eyebrows
- Ears
Repeat 10 times on each pressure point. Press lightly and hold to the count of 5.
So it is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and release. Then start again 1,2, etc, following the instructions below.

1. Frown Lines in Between the Eyes
You can start with this point by applying the press and release technique. Repeat 10 times. Then continue with the forehead.
2. Forehead Lines
Scalp and forehead acupressure points massage will help to reduce the wrinkles on the forehead.
These pressure points are also good to relieve; tension, stress, fatigue, get rid of persistent headache, and also improve blood circulation.
Slide your three middle fingers from the middle part of your forehead to the sides with both hands at the same time. Repeat 10 times. Now go back to the eye area.
3. Crow´s Feet on the Outer Edge of The Eyes
Massage the point on the outside of the eyes in circular movement ⁐ . Repeat 5 times. Continue below the eyes.
4. Puffy Eyes and Dark Circles
The acupressure point is to be found under the eyes, in the middle part. Press and release 5 times. This is a tender area. Apply light pressure.
5. Smile lines
The pressure points are on each side of the base of the nose. This massage is also very helpful for sinus congestion. Do little circular movements on each side with both index fingers simultaneously.
Now slide your index fingers from the corners of your mouth towards the nostrils in an upward movement, following the crease line. Repeat 5 times.
6. Chin wrinkles
Support your chin with both thumbs and walk your index fingers from the middle point on your chin to the sides whilst pinching lightly. Repeat 5 times.
7. Neck wrinkles
Massage along the collar bone area in light upward and outward strokes about 10 times. This is great lymph draining massage.
Here are two more bonus acupressure points for the lymph flow;
3 points on the eyebrows.
Press on both edges and the middle part. You can use the 3 index, middle and ring finger at once. Repeat 5 times.
Massaging the whole ear reflexes the whole body organs. You can do this for 30 min. The point in the hollow area at the bottom behind the ear is pressed for lymph flow. Repeat 5 times.
5 Minutes Daily Acupressure Points Practice
Here is a simple 5 minutes acupressure face lift massage guide.
Do the acupressure massage on a clean face, without make up.
If possible, take a selfie before and after, and you can notice some difference, a softened look on your face, even from the first application.
Please note; you are stimulating blood flow, so if your face becomes red do not worry, as it is normal.
Do the massage consciously and give it a loving touch. Releasing facial tension feels really good.
So to start with the 5-minute acupressure points routine.
Take a couple of deep breaths, move your head from the left side to the right side and stretch the neck muscle. Put a little oil on the palm of your hands, warm it up by rubbing your hands together and then wipe it lightly on your face. You can also use your favourite face cream instead of oils.
Now it is time to start the acupressure massage following the potent points and instructions described above.
Use light and gentle strokes, small circular movements or put light pressure with your thumb or index fingers on the points mentioned. This latter method is literally a press and releases touch. You do not have to push hard as even with a slight touch you can stimulate the energy flow.
The procedure may vary. This is a typical routine that you can carry out whenever you get the chance. However, there is no rigid rule on the sequence, as by practising you will realise what is the best technique for you and which part of the face may require more attention. Then adjust the sequence accordingly.
All you need is to dedicate 5 minutes daily, either in the morning when you are putting on your creams or makeup, else in the evening before you go to bed. When you manage to do this on a daily basis you will get excellent results in a short time.
Should you have the time you can extend the massage to 10-15 minutes for quicker results. Then doing this twice a week is sufficient. This method will help to tighten and firm the skin by activating the facial muscles.
Acupressure Points for Face Rejuvenation
Here is a lovely video by Ageless On that walks you through a DIY Acupressure Facelift. Enjoy it!
Anti Aging The Natural Way With Acupressure
Skin massaging provides an efficient anti aging approach. There are various ways of doing a facial massage.
Acupressure can be regarded as one of the alternatives and non-medical method for face rejuvenation. Little research has been carried out so far and there are no proven scientific results as anti aging method, however, revitalising the facial muscles whilst releasing tension does make the face look more Juvenal.
The lymph moves the toxins and waste from the body system. If there is no circulation the lymph becomes stagnant in our body and we start getting eye bags etc. With the help of the massage, we are moving the sluggish lymph fluids and restore the natural flow of fluids around the neck and face.
You can also delay the aging process with a healthy lifestyle, that is;
- avoid bad diet,
- alcohol, smoking,
- direct sun exposure during peak hours without protection, and
- get more quality and restful sleep.
Consider acupressure as a daily skin care facial routine to reach deeper skin layering and maintain elasticity and firmness.
Benefits of Facial Acupressure Points Massage
- It is free and will cost you nothing
- you can do it in the comfort of your home and using your own favourite face products
- you will see results from the very first week
- firming and lifting muscles of the face
- relieves muscular and facial tension
- stimulates the skin to produce its own collagen
- get better sleep
- control of anxiety
- better circulation
- lifting, firming and toning the skin
- detoxifies
- helps the sinuses
- refreshes and makes the face glow
- relaxes
Rejuvenation Results
This anti aging acupressure points facelift massage can particularly help you achieve a relaxed look on your face if you tend to;
- clench your teeth when sleeping,
- frown during the day,
- purse your lips and
- do lots of facial expressions.
Some skin types are lucky as they are wrinkle-free genetically, but the majority of skins, unfortunately, get wrinkled over time.
Acupressure increases the blood circulation significantly.
Though you can never get rid of all wrinkles, nonetheless you can always exhibit a more relaxed and better skin complexion on the face simply by adding the acupressure method in your daily regime.
I am almost sure this method has been applied to you at some point, if and when you go for a facial or massage. I´d love to hear your experience and your views about this acupressure facelift procedure.
42 thoughts on “7 Anti Aging Acupressure Points On Face”
You can imagine what I’m doing here while reading your article. I’m holding my face, following the arrows in the diagram, I am applying massage and pressure on the energy points of my head. And you know what? Just by the feeling I got, I feel like I’m healed of the stress that’s bothering me. Thanks for this acupressure lecture. It feels like there’s a sudden rush of blood on the area and knowing that those blood rushing in also carry nutrients, I feel rejuvenated.
Hi, that is lovely news. I tend to do the same when I see or read something I do like, especially if it has to do with massaging. I think we should dedicate some time even during our working day to take care of our face and skin. Keep rejuvenating. Cheers! Marisa
wow Marisa,thank you so much for your article.This is surely a treasure chest and deserves to be bookmarked!Before I was mixing up accupunture and accupressure. I do not like needles, so I will pamper myself by doing the exercises you suggested. Who want to get older? Not me! I will share your website to friends.Thank you!
Hi Eva, many thanks for writing and for sharing. I´m happy you found the information useful. I love the self pampering and I am always trying things out. Marisa
It’s good to see that a simple procedure will help delay skin aging. It’s pretty wild to think that facial expressions such as frowning, laughing and thinking can generate wrinkles over time. Laughter is a good medicine so it’s also nice to know that one doesn’t have to give up laughing in order to stymie the wrinkling. I’ve heard some interesting things about acupuncture but honestly not too much about acupressure, so this information is really helpful. One thing that always made me timid about acupuncture was all the needles. It looked like something straight out of the movie Hellraiser. I think it’s great that acupressure does the same thing sans the needles. Your video is really helpful and I can’t wait to try this out. I’ll share your post with some friends as well. Great post and keep up the good work!
Hi, thank you for sharing your insight. It is always good to know where to locate the acupressure points and massage whenever you get the chance. Of course we should never give up on laughter. Check this out
I have just realised that I’m actually getting old as I’m sure the process can start at less than 30 and I’m already 21 hahaha should I be worried already. Anyways I’m really desperate to make sure I’ll still be looking as fresh when I start getting old. What I liked about Acupressure is that it is natural and there are no needles and it takes 5 minutes only. When do you think I should get started with this massage? Should i do it to prevent or to remove wrinkles?
Hi Donny, you are still very young but hey, who does not like pampering. Good maintenance from young age means longevity so do treat yourself if you feel and have the time for it. 30 is usually the age when we start the reverse process and the skin loses elasticity. Thank you for writing.
Hello Marisa!
Thank you so much for sharing this article on the 7 anti aging acupressure points. It such an amazing thing to see that I can do face lift massage for a youthful look without having to use any kind of cream whatsoever. It’s really looks interesting to me. I watched the video, it’s great. I also saved this page for reading again some other time.
Best regards!
Hi Barry, I´m glad you like the information and thank you for reading. Have a nice day. Marisa
Before reading your post, I always thought about acupressure just in relation to health issues, like to help you release pain. It was interesting for me to read how we can use it to fight aging too.
I will try it, because 5 minutes out of my day is nothing in comparison to what I can gain. I appreciate that you added video instructions, I find it easier to follow the steps when I see it in a video.
Thank you! 🙂
Hi Katja, glad you have enjoyed the video, and yes, massage can work miracles for fine lines and wrinkles and if you do it frequently it will strengthen the face muscles. Thank you for reading my article.
Hello Marissa, knowing the human anatomy can help a lot in doing things like acupuncture, and this acupressure. I have only tried acupuncture once and I know the feeling of relief i got after the process and that gives me so much interest I’m trying acupressure too. Since this is very much doable on your own, i would try the process on myself to get the feel of relief. Best regards
Hi, acupressure works on the same energy points and meridians, just like acupuncture. I hope you will enjoy the self-massage as it does feel good on the face and skin. Thank you for writing.
Hi Marisa, thank you very much for a great article about ACUPRESSURE POINTS. After reading your article I sent the article link to my wife, she read the article and very impressed by watching the video. She already markdown some points on her diary. I hope you will publish more useful articles in future.
Hi, thank you for sharing with your wife. I’m happy she liked it. We all love ideas to look better, younger and healthier.
The face is also an important part of the body because it always appears first when someone takes a look at you, so it’s very important to keep it wrinkle-free and not having the stress look we get from not having enough rest. Much natural care process to care for your face should be appreciated and acupressure is a very nice one anyone can self engage in for that young look always. Thank you Marissa.
Hi Bella, I agree as the face and neck is always bare and the skin is constantly exposed to harmful UV sun rays, pollution etc., so we have to take care of it even more. Have a good evening.
Hi Marisa,
Thanks a lot for the informative and helpful article.
My aunt practice Acupressure and often she talks about it’s benefits. The best thing about acupressure is there is no side effects. I love natural ways and natural remedies so Acupressure means a lot to me.
I got helpful insights from your article and it’s a great walk-through. I am going to practice it and while reading the article itself I did it by watching the video and I felt relaxed, also, felt sleepy. I am having dark circles and I am planning to implement what I learned from your article.
Really amazed at the benefits of Acupressure Massage and the video you embedded is super helpful in my understanding. Planning to share your article with my aunt and she will love it.
Hi Paul, it’s great that you will try the massage and also share it with your aunt. Thank you so much.
Hello there thanks for putting out this article it a very nice one,not until now I never knew that one could do face lift massage for a youthful look without having to use any kind of cream whatsoever. It’s really looks interesting to me. I watched the video, it’s great. I will also bookmark this page for so I could show some of my friends.
Hi and thank you for writing and sharing. Massage is always very good for the skin, especially for the face, as you improve the blood circulation. It’s good to use a little bit of cream or oil so you don’t pull on the skin.
Hello there thanks for this awesome article,I’ve heard some interesting things about acupuncture but honestly not too much about acupressure, so this information is really helpful. One thing that always made me timid about acupuncture was all the needles. It looked like something straight out of the Chinese movies.thanks ones again I would save this article for later reading
Hi David, I’ve never tried acupuncture on my face. I’ve seen it on video but I’m not sure if I am brave enough though I have tried acupuncture on my back and it was ok. Acupressure works the same way but without needles. Thank you for writing.
The biggest problem I have is on my forehead. I have a few wrinkles and they can’t seem to go away at all. I’ll try this method and I hope it will make it better.
Thanks for the video, by the way. It’s way easier to understand what to do if I see it instead of just reading about it!
Hi Alicia, you are most welcome and hope you find it useful. If you do it regularly you should see some improvement. Thank you for writing.
I like that the routine is so short; I won’t have a problem with keeping up with it. I tried it this morning and I did feel more relaxed – also a little giddy, I felt a little happier for some reason. I think I’ll be doing right before sleeping, as well.
Your video is very helpful, by the way. Thank you, Marisa!
Hi Kate, I’m glad you did the massage. It’s pretty easy and it only takes a short while, and we do get benefit out of it. Thank you for letting me know.
Hallo there Marisa,
My wife has been going crazy on anti aging products that have been disappointing her every so often. I really felt it when I found her depressed in bed. I decided to take it upon myself to look for her what would really give the kind of results she wants. I heard about acupressure and its ability to help maintain a youthful look and I looked it up, that’s how I got here,
I will definitely show my wife this post. I’m sure she’ll love it. She’ll be coming here in a short while. Thanks for the detailed explanation and tips. They will go a long way for her. Have a wonderful day!
Hi Dave, thank you for the nice words and your wife is very lucky to have you helping her out finding natural methods to keep a youthful looking face. Thank you for writing. Good day to you too.
Thank you for a most enlightening article. What I love about this technique is that there is no pulling on the skin thus causing even more wrinkles. I also like that it is a natural treatment and won’t cost anything but a bit of time. It is ideal to do in front of the tv.
Which massage would you recommend for a double chin? Could you do this facial massage too much or can you do as often as you like?
Hi Michel, I’m glad you like the article. Double chin is a result of extra fat and loss of muscle elasticity as well as poor blood circulation, so doing a massage will surely help.
I suggest you use the Gua Sha, because of its shape it kind of embraces your chin and it is easy to massage. You can set a daily routine of 5-10 minutes daily; most important is to be consistent. Your idea to massage whilst watching TV is very good.
You can also try face yoga as stretching is very beneficial for the chin and neck.
Thank you for writing and have a great day.
It is definitely vital to take good care of the skin. I only recently found out about the declining production of collagen as we grow older. But as you pointed out, lifestyle changes such as integrating a proper diet, avoiding exposure to direct sunlight during peak hours can drastically reduce the aging effects. Acupressure is a new concept to me but the idea seems really appealing. The benefits are obviously many. I’ll try to start applying it as soon as possible.
Hi Rhain, i am glad you realise how important it is to take care of our skin. Thank you for writing and hope you find acupressure massage useful and relaxing.
It’s incredible how much improvement you could get when you’re consistent in doing something, even if it’s only from 5 to 10minutes per day. Thanks for delivering a concise guide on how to use acupressure points to enhance cream usage effect on our face. Modern lifestyle is driving us old sooner than ever before.
I love the video you’ve shared (after reading your description, seeing it on practice is great). Wouldn’t it be better if we get someone’s help to do this?
Mr. Nelson and I shared the same concern about oil or cream usage; thanks for the answer! 🙂
Hi, thank you for sharing your awareness. It is always nice to go for a facial or a massage and when you have someone else helping you, you tend to relax more. However, you can also get the benefits by giving yourself a facial massage. Have a nice day.
Thanks a lot for sharing with us such an amazing article about 7 Anti Aging Acupressure Points | Face Lift Massage For A Youthful Look
Throughout the article, I tried the massage :). I will definitely do this exercise more often. Although I’m only 26, I’m starting to worry about what it will look like in my old age. I have read many articles related to skin rejuvenation, but this is the best I have read.
Thanks again for this post. If you don’t mind, I will share this article on my social media account. Good luck!
Hi, thank you for reading and sharing. Other people have mentioned they end up doing the massage whilst reading the article. I tend to do that too when I read something I like, I want to put it into practice straight away.
We start losing our skin elasticity from age 30 onward, so starting massaging early as prevention is not a bad idea. It can only do you good and it is always nice to take care of our skin, body and health.
I believe in acupressure and also acupuncture as well. Thank you for sharing these points! It is my goal to maintain my youth as long as I can and I am sure that these pressure points will help me with the process. I will give them a try 5 minutes a day like you recommended. I will also keeps moisturizing my skin as well, you cannot go wrong with that. Love the video and thanks again for sharing Marisa!
Hi Nuttanee, thank you for writing, and I am glad you know about the benefits of acupressure. Enjoy the acupressure points daily massage.
I deeply enjoy acupressure, keep me updated
Hi Denice, Sure I will! Thank you for writing. Let us know if you had any great experiences with acupressure.